Contact Randy to Speak at your organization
Presentations include:
From Grief to Gratitude: Navigating Loss and Grief in the Workplace
In this presentation, I address the following issues about how a grieving employee could affect the following areas of your business:
1. Decreased productivity and job focus
2. Emotional Strain and communication breakdowns
3. Increased absenteeism and presenteeism
4. The overall impact of grief on both team dynamics and morale.
My presentation not only discusses various issues but offers solutions and ideas in each area. Recognizing and addressing these grieving concerns is crucial in ensuring the mental and emotional well-being of both managers and employees. Providing comprehensive support systems, implementing coping strategies, and fostering a culture of understanding and empathy will help any business alleviate the burden of grief while promoting resilience and trust among its workers.
Five key takeaways from this presentation include:
1. A better understanding of the "Power of Grief"
2. A better understanding of what a griever is thinking, but not saying
3. A better understanding of secondary loss and its impact over a lifetime.
4. An answer to the question--Should I be a "grief supporter or a grief comforter?"
5. Ways to move forward after a loss
Understanding Loss-As a Griever, As a Supporter, and As a Friend
Loss and grief have widespread impact on personal well-being, but they also directly impact workplace engagement, communication with colleagues, productivity, and bottom-line growth. Plus, secondary loss is a challenge that both grievers and supporters experience throughout their lives that has a ripple effect on workplaces too. Grievers wonder, “Am I going crazy? Am I making the right decisions? How do I focus on work?” Colleagues wonder, “Am I doing and saying the right things? How do I work with this person most effectively?”
During this session you will learn practical ways to overcome the awkwardness and discomfort that come along with supporting employees and colleagues suffering the pain of loss. Randy will teach you how to help, what to say, and how to reach out. You will also learn tips to manage your own grief and emotions and boost your resilience when those situations arise.
Randy will share his own personal story of resilience after losing his mother and two young daughters to a distracted semi-truck driver, and how he now uses this heartbreaking experience to provide heartwarming advice. You will leave feeling empowered and inspired to be a caring and empathetic supporter while also being aware of your own grief journey and how it impacts your professional life.
Key Takeaways:
· Understand the widespread impact of loss.
· Identify secondary losses and their impact over a lifetime.
· Understand what a griever is thinking.
· Learn what to say and how to best support those who are grieving.
· Learn ways to move forward after loss.
Why Me?
My name is Randy Stocker. On July 22, 2003, my mother, Jean, and my two daughters, Jenelle-age 19, and Amy-age 9, were all killed by a distracted semi-truck driver. Believe it or not, he was speeding and reading a book when he instantly killed all three. We learned that most people don't understand grief and grieving. My book, Hugs Help-Our Story of Tragic Loss, Survival, and Helping Others has helped thousands navigate the complexities of loss personally and professionally.
My presentations include: "From Grief to Gratitude: Navigating Loss and Grief in the Workplace", and “Understanding Loss-As a Griever, As a Supporter, and As a Friend”. If your group has any upcoming meetings and might be looking for a presenter, please keep me in mind. Would you be open to a conversation about how my message could benefit your organization?
I have presented to organizations big and small and am a frequent media contributor. My book and my presentation help both the survivors and the supporters of those who suffered unimaginable loss--like I did.
If you would like to learn more about Randy and his presentation, email him at or call him at 507-722-6999.
Randy has presented to many different groups:
Small and large businesses
Church groups
Sr. Citizen Organizations
Professional Civic Organizations
BNI, Rotary, ABWA, Kiwanis, and more
Bereavement Groups
Widow and Widower’s Groups
High Schools
Toward Zero Deaths Workshop
Visiting Angels Groups
Topics include:
Understanding Grief—As a Griever, As a Supporter, As a Friend
Loss and Grief in the Workplace
Understanding Loss and Grief in the Education Industry
Understanding Loss and Grief in the Healthcare Industry
Picture of Randy and Char joining the Rochester Chamber of Commerce.

If you are interested in having Randy speak to your group or organization, please reach out via email or text!